Our Connections
We don't exist alone. We are part of something bigger than us.
Amherst Community Church is a congregation affiliated with the United Church of Christ (UCC). On the regional level, we are members of the Western Association. Our Association is a part of the New York Conference United Church of Christ. On the local level, we are part of the Western New York Area Churches in Covenant (WNYACIC). The Western New York Area Churches in Covenant is a unique partnership between the Western Association of the New York Conference United Church of Christ and the Western District of the Northeast Region Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
ACC is proud of our historic connection with DCC--a welcoming Christian environment for all people! DCC offers programs for all ages and we encourage anyone to attend an event at Dunkirk. Click here for the 2024 program brochure.
WAY is a gathering of youth from the United Church of Christ and Christian Church/Disciples of Christ across Western New York. WAY is for youth in grades 7-12. Junior WAY is for children in grades K-6. Although the UCC & DOC are the organizing denominations for these gatherings, all youth are welcome to attend our events. WAY offers opportunities for youth to gather in safe, accepting, and affirming ways to explore their faith.

During the 2023 WAY Mission Trip, our older youth & leaders worked with North Country Habitat for Humanity to clear out brush at a job site in Malone, NY.