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We Provide Educational Opportunities for

Children, Youth, Adults -- Plus Inter-Generational Offerings!

Sunday School for

Children & Youth

Our Sunday School program operates from early September-Memorial Day and takes place in dedicated classroom spaces during the 10 am worship service.


We currently offer two classes based on grade level:


Middle/High School


Classes are taught by trained volunteers. To ensure the safety of our children, we require an application, references, and a background check for adult volunteers.

Adult Education

Adult Education programs include Bible studies, book studies, video discussions, and programs on special or seasonal topics. Some offerings are in person at ACC and some are offered via Zoom or in a hybrid format. These groups are facilitated by the pastor or members with interest in the subject.

We seek to provide learning and spiritual growth opportunities that are relevant to the ever-evolving world we live in, including topics on social justice issues.  

Click here to see our current offerings!

FIG LEAF Summer Program

Each summer, ACC offers an exciting inter-generational event called FIG LEAF (Fun, Inter-Generational, Learning, Eating, And Fellowship). We believe providing opportunities for older and younger folx to spend time together is critical for our faith formation and development. During our four evening FIG LEAF gatherings, we share a meal together, followed by fun activities based on a Bible story. You do not need to be a member of ACC to participate. All are welcome!

Children and Worship

Children are welcome to join us in worship any time! During the Sunday School year, children will be invited to come to the front of the sanctuary toward the beginning of worship for a special children’s message. At the end of Children’s Time, those who wish to attend Sunday School will be escorted to class, or children may remain in worship with their families if that is more comfortable. Children’s Worship Bags (for Grade 4 and below) containing coloring sheets, etc. are available to borrow during the service. Please see  an usher for help finding these bags.

Youth Activities

Youth from age 4 through Grade 6 are invited to join with youth from other churches in the Western Area of NY for activities during the school years also known as Jr. WAY.

Youth from ages 13-18 are invited to join with youth from other churches in the Western Area of NY for a weeklong summer mission trip, as well as retreats and activities during the school year. This gives our youth the opportunity to get to know and serve alongside others and form bonds that last a lifetime!

Click here for the WAY page!

Nursery Care

We do have a safe, furnished room for our smallest visitors to use during worship. This room is called the crèche and is just down the hall from the sanctuary.  The crèche has a speaker system so adults may listen to the worship service. At this time, the crèche is not staffed. Parents are welcome to take advantage of this space during worship, but must remain with their children at all times for safety.


A changing table is available in the crèche at any time for those with children in diapers.

Contact AMHERST 
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Please contact our Office Administrator at:


77 Washington Highway

Snyder, NY 14226

Church Office Hours 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Mon - Fri

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